Serving Children in Kansas
Speech Therapy for Schools and Oral Motor Therapy
School Contracts • Evaluations • Private Therapy

Working With Motor Mouth
School Contract Services
Motor Mouth Therapy Services LLC offers a unique approach to school staffing through virtual, on-demand and in person services. As a therapist-owned company, we are focused on relationships with students and staff as well as student outcomes. Our knowledge of the Kansas education system and personal approach will be just the beginning of the difference you will notice after our quick start-up process.
Two different services, same great experience.
Oral Motor Therapy Services
Private services in the areas of myofunctional therapy, feeding, and oral development really put the MOTOR in Motor Mouth Therapy Services! Jordyn’s knowledge of all systems involving speech and swallowing, along with increased training in the areas of oral facial myology, oral motor, and feeding makes her approach both thorough and effective. These services can be completed in person or with virtual options.
School Staffing with Ease
Real Professionals, Real Results
Welcome to Motor Mouth Therapy!
I am Jordyn Ring, the owner of Motor Mouth Therapy Services and a Speech-Language Pathologist
Speech Language Pathologists can serve individuals across the lifespan, and I have been fortunate enough to work with every population throughout my career. Working in various settings has provided me with a truly comprehensive approach to therapy.
Motor Mouth Therapy Services is meeting needs across the state of Kansas by serving students and schools with our amazing SLPs. We love building relationships first, and watching the amazing outcomes that grow from them!

Let’s Get Started!
Our oral motor therapy is an intense, specific approach that yields life-changing results for those with feeding difficulties, speech impairment, or orofacial deficits. We serve clients in the state of Kansas with in-home or virtual sessions to improve their oral development.
Step One
Contact us at the email or phone number provided to discuss if our therapy is appropriate for you.
Step Two
Evaluation sessions are completed with a plan of treatment and recommendations shared with client (and parents).
Step Three
Weekly or bi-weekly appointments are typical over the course of treatment to correct oral habits, develop ideal oral musculature and ensure long-term change.